Selig Distinguished Service Award

May 11, 2015 News

This award was established in 1986, by American Jewish Committee Atlanta, in memory of Caroline Massell Selig and Simon S. Selig Jr. and is presented each spring at the Atlanta Chapter Awards Dinner. Recipients of this prestigious award reflect the Seligs’ dedications, commitment and generosity to the enhancement of the Atlanta community.

Eliot M. Arnovitz

6pm – Cocktails
7pm – Dinner/Program
Featuring – Bret Stephens, deputy editor, editorial page, The Wall Street Journal

Selig Distinguished Service Award


Cathy & Steve Kuranoff
Linda & Steve Selig

Lynne & Jack Halpern
Lila & Doug Hertz
Joyce & Jay Schwartz

Juli & Billy Bauman
Caren & Michael Merli

About Eliot

Eliot M. Arnovitz is a native Atlantan. He attended Tulane University where he was President of the Tulane Inter-fraternity Council and was named “Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities.” After graduating in 1970 with a BA in sociology, he became a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army Transportation Corps.

He began his career in the family real estate business, M & P Shopping Centers, which specializes in the ownership and operation of neighborhood shopping centers in the Southeast. He has served as President and CEO since 1985.

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